When we were putting together images for a show, Radha (again) decided to take one of my earlier writings from 2004, Postman and the Octopus, and use it as the foundation for a new project. 

The story centres around a postman who, through time, is bringing an octopus to visit a fountain, where a statue of a blue fairy stands. This whimsical journey unfolds with a sense of both adventure and mystery.

Radha’s decision to turn this writing into a book allowed me to see the story from a new perspective, using imagery and narrative to deepen its meaning. The project became a playful exploration of life, connection, and spirituality, a creative and engaging way to revisit a piece of writing that has always held a special place in my heart.

Link for the text.

Self published
February 2023
10 x 14 cm
15 pages, 32 photographs
Photographs and text by Madhavan Palanisamy
Book concept and design by Radha Rathi Studio